The arrivals of refugees and migrants in Europe continued unabated and unfortunately there are States that refuse to receive them. Indeed, in recent days we have witnessed an outbreak of violence towards…

Ostelbien Dornburg: Once upon a time there was a Neo-Nazi group Read the short journey from the German team, with Neo-Nazi roots, Ostelbien Dornburg. Threats and violence , on and off the…

Summer can be boring…. or not! Specially if you are member of Frente Rojiblanco. Holidays for our group and during this time we have had all we need: party, live music and…

For some time now the Chicago Fire Soccer Club has been in some troubles in all aspects of the game. Signings that weren’t completed, mismanagement of money, stadium revenue issues and the…

During the weekend from 14 to 16 of August in the Hotel Arco de San Juan in Murcia, a football meeting took place. The meeting gathered various popular associations, media and clubs of…

We said that the promotion was only postponed, and here it is, just sooner that expected. Quartograd had been chosen to go in Promozione, the upper category of Italian football, also even…

More than half way through the season and with little chances of making it to the MLS playoffs, Chicago Fires interest for some time was concentrated on the transfer window that recently…