Montreal’s Saputo Stadium has a capacity of 20 521 people, making it an average size stadium for MLS standards. It is worth nothing that it is a “soccer-specific” stadium. In the North…

Firstly, we are so sorry for not being able to inform you guys since ages. As you all know we do not take place in the stands for the last two seasons…

This season was mostly highlighted by the many protests against the former (Finally!!) president Duchatelet, and against the coach Luzon. We believe its also significant to bear in mind that PHK was…

After a long wait we have decided to come back with a short article outlining the presence of Gate 9 in Cyprus but also in other countries, as well as provide you…

Most of MFC actions have been at football games. The club is registered to the official french football league and play nearly every week. Our last action was the last game of…