We ended first half of season on position 5. Only missing 4 points to a downscaling place,which was very dissapoiting after our Europe-League experience.
We now have a new sportsdirector,who is famous for winning the Austrian version of lets’s dance and singing and he skipped a match for going on conservative election parties.
Even though our season was often very disappointing, we had a huge highlight.
In November 2014 we celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We first did a big anniversary choreo and afterwards had a big party with Dead City Radio, Exeed Excess and Wham Wham Bodyslam.
From End of November till end of February there are no matches in Austria’s second division, so not much happened there.
In January Football fans against Homophobia Austria was founded, where Wolfbrigade is one of the first members.
Dead City Radio – Wolfbrigade – A Song about our fanclub!