September 27 has marked all people who perturb the crisis and all corruption that is ever-present in Mexico. That day the Mexican government “disappeared” 43 students from the Normal Superior School Isidro Burgos from Ayotzinapa (Guerrero town).
It should be noted here that all Normal Superior schools take their autonomy and are the cradle of conscience people like Lucio Cabañas (1938 – 1974) that was leader of the Federation of Students and Peasants Socialist Mexico (FECSM), created in 1935. Under President Lazaro Cardenas. Genaro Vázquez Rojas, another guerrilla seven years older than Lucio, was also a student of the same normal rural schooling system.
Another important note is that people have carried out demonstrations and boycotts against the local government on Iguala Guerrero from José Luis Abarca,
This is very problematic though since the government works hand in hand with narcotics traffickers who tend to carry out the Government’s dirty wok and terrorize the Mexican people with killings, disappearances, thefts, etc.
3 Months already have been and the latest news is that 5 of the students are dead but the other 38 that the Mexican army have kidnapped are yet to be found. Many people around the world have shown their solidarity about this terrible acts, we gonna continue to go to the streets together with the families of the students and protest actively against this appalling state crime. Since the start, BAC fanatics have been conducting actions in the streets and on the terraces in support of Ayotzinapa.
Our latest news start since October 18th when we made actions about Football people campaign against the discrimination in and out of football. Brigada Azul Crema spread stickers, propaganda inside and outside the stadium, explaining to the people what was this and why everybody should be conscience about the consequences that any form of discrimination bringing to the sport and society as a whole.
Football fans, autonomous people, clubs, joined in the action for the week in support of ethnic minorities and communities affected by discrimination across the world in a concentrated effort to make discrimination a thing of the past. In this sense, people who like Soccer participated in the week’s activities in celebration to the contribution that all people make to football, wherever we live, whatever our connection is to the game, whatever our origin, ethnic, or religious background.
The objectives were:
- Increase Public awareness on discrimination in football.
- Create An international united front to bring together all in football.
- Develop ideas and new practices to challenge exclusion
On October 23rd Brigada Azul Crema were from the first groups to join in the demonstrations against state crime but two and a half weeks ago the mobilizations spread all around the Mexican Republic, Starting from Iguala Guerrero with the parents of the people who disappeared and calling to the people to mobilize and asking for solidarity (many people still don´t know about the topic and there weren’t many people marching on the streets asking for justice).
On that week we spread the message onto the terraces and comrades took the banner in support of Ayotzinapa to the stadium. Those days since October 18th until November 28th we were doing our fanzine and also the demonstrations all round the country. We spread our 7th fanzine where we spoke about the situation in Ayotzinapa and the consequences that come with that problem, we marched together with other fans like Pumas, Chivas, Cruz Azul (around Mexico city but also in other towns like Nuevo León, Guanajuato, Guadalajara, Oaxaca, etc). After those actions we also found time to support our team during this “popular war”.
The season has been extermely good for our team, we played liguilla and the liguilla 1/4 final against Pumas, semifinal against Monterrey and with a good team we arrived to the great final against Tigres.
Was good games against those three teams, you can check the videos below, we hadn´t so much for speak about terraces actions, since the period from November to December our thoughts and hearts solely were with the disgusting actions of the Mexican Government. So we called to all people around the world for keep the faith and the fight because:
We are all Ayotzinapa and we must to go out to the streets and seek justice.