Greetings!! It has been a month since our last report and we have many things to tell you.
This month our team has played four matches but only one home match, against Moralo. We lost this match (2-4). Our support was not the best and we know it so we are going to make an effort to improve.
We have also travelled to Castuera and Plasencia. First trip, to Castuera, we moved twenty members of our group but we didn’t enter to the stadium. The entry price (€7) is expensive for our category (4th Spanish Division). We offered to pay €5 (price that we thought was fair ) but they rejected our offer so we looked for a good place to watch the match outside stadium… and we found it!!! You can see it at the end of the report.
The problem is not the € 2 difference. we want to put a limit. If at Castuera we paid € 7, elsewhere they might ask us for € 8 saying it is just 1 € more, and so on. And our limit is € 5. (Rebel Ultras Admin note: WELL DONE! :) )
Match was a draw (1-1). After that, we spend a great day at bars of Castuera and visiting a nice nearby lake.
Next week we had a new trip: to Plasencia (almost 600km round trip). We moved 6 members of our group. We had a good day with our friends of the local group (Ultras Plas). Greetings to them!! We showed a banner about global day against breast cancer with the motto “Mujer de las mil batallas, tu puedes con todo” (woman of a thousand battles, you can win them all). Match was another draw (also 1-1).
This is all!!! We are working in new campaigns and many things that you will know about soon!!