THE HURT AND THE RAGE tournament. Hinchada Popular, Ritual del Kaoz and Brigada Azul Crema participated.
The last Saturday, was conducted the first journey to the football tournament for peace named ”the hurt and the rage” in solidarity to one Colombia group struggling for social justice, the brazilian people and the zapatistas communities who struggle against the paramilitary attacks.
It was a rainy day but that the teams from giving it their best effort and the games were played at a good level, with strength and passión exhibited by all, it was a thrill to sit and enjoy these games. The teams did in fact give us much pleasure; looking at all these people enjoying the day and each other’s competitive company despite the weather not being at its best.
People came and left all through the day inside the field, and the feelings of coexistence echoed throughout this event. Banners, smiles, much passion and friendship and thanks to all for attending and also donating as for the first time we managed to raise money for the zapatistas and their struggles.
Objetives of the tournament were met and that pleases all of us at Brigada Azul Crema and Ritual del Kaoz who together with our friends from the collective Hinchada Popular (who were the organizers inside Mexico) are trying hard to make this effort as successful as possible. this first phase of the tournament was in fact a huge success and we hope more will come next week when it will be the turn of the Brigada Azul Crema team to compete!
While, we prepared our participation, our banners and the second time for print our 4th edition of our fanzine, we printed some copies the last Saturday but wasn’t enough, so we’ll print some more to take to the streets again this coming week.