The last week, we participated in the tournament ”NO SEXISM NO RACISM” that was organized with others fans. At the tournament fans from Chivas, Pumas also participated. Furthermore we had the presence of Antifa collectives which deal for example with human rights plus units of workers and students, the ”U” from Chile fans…. it was great event! The winners were Atlético Insurgente (CHIVAS).
Our season still did not start, our fanzine comes out the next week (we will circulate it as always to you), but while we organize our futures projects, to last days of this month we will celebrate the tournament of football; “The World Cup for Peace” which is organised by our Colombian comrades.
As we mentioned in our latest news we send all information, if you want or can participate in this project that comes from Colombia and the “‘fútbol Subverso” you are most welcome to do so. Many Brazilian Brigades have already announced participation and so have people from around the world. Our local version in Mexico will be named ”tournament of football for a world with peace: the hurt and the rage” (named so for solidarity with the Zapatistas). So, we invite you to this tournament and please let us know if you want to participate in this project. Likewise we remind you of our invitation to our Hoolfesta Antifascista, that we will celebrate on December 2014, (information below). While we send you our best wishes and lots of big hugs.
INFO for the Hoolfest!
”HoolFest” that we are planning to celebrate in December 2014, we would be glad if as many foreign comrades could honour us with their presence! For example, if any foreign Antifa Ultras want to come to Mexico for the Hoolfest, all you need is your airplane ticket to come over here!
Brigada Azul Crema can do all the rest for you, such as meals, lodging, (if in this season still we have matches then also you will get ticket to our games). All that you want to drink (tequila, pulque, mezcal, beer why not?), etc. We don’t have a definite date yet (we will inform you when we do) but the initial plans look like its going to be on the 2nd week of December. Any foreign Antifa Ultra is invited to join us for one week,! For example you can arrive on a Monday of the first December week at the airport where we will arrange to pick you up, leave your luggage in the house of one of us (in the centre of Mexico city, so if whenever you need something from your luggage then you can be in close proximity to go pick up something from your stuff). So if for example as we said, you arrive on Monday or maybe Sunday, all this week until the Friday we will do activities around Mexico city, sightseeing, drinking, etc. and if also the team has a game on a Saturday you may join us in the stadium as well. To finalize, the Sunday we’ll have the principal event… “The hoolfest” we are planning that it takes place in a great forest zone with bands music, food, alcohol, beer, pulque, tequila! And then, the next Monday we intend to rest very good before you make the long trip back home! With a good rest and a farewell meal but if still would you like stay over here more days no problem, you can do it, you will have our hospitality and all our support. :D We really do hope you will make the trip and join us and please feel free to contact us if you are interested to attend so we may plan your trip together! :D