In the last month we had the Virtus Fans Weekend Party for the last home gameĀ of the season on the weekend 26/27th of april. Friends arrived from other towns and other countries (Scotland and Germany).
The season had finished last sunday…Virtus match finished 2-2 in Cuneo but Virtus was relegated to Serie D….This season was a strange season because from the next year the Lega Pro Seconda Divisione (the actual 4th league where Virtus played this year) will be cancelled in the next season.
It means the first 8 teams go directly in the Lega Pro Prima Divisione (from the next year Serie C) the 9th 10th 11th 12th teams play the playoff for one more place in the 3rd league. The losers and the rest of the teams go down in Serie D (but it will be always the 4th division, seeing one league will be cancelled). Virtus arrived 14th and for 3 points we didnt arrive to play off.
At the end we are not so sad, seeing to play in Serie D means to come back in our stadium Gavagnin-Nocini (this season we have played 55 km from our district because our stadium is not able to host Lega Pro Seconda Divisione games)