This is the latest roundup report from Ultras Sankt Pauli :
On the 14th of March there was demonstration for the comrades in Malmö:
Some of the Sankt Pauli fans and local Antifa made a commemorative picture before the march:
We also made this banner onto a wall in our district:
On 16th of March we played away at Fortuna Düsseldorf and won 0:2.
The main theme surrounding this game was to show solidarity with Showan and
his comrades. We made a big banner and displayed it with all our fans outside the stadium:
But we also displayed banners inside the stadium itself:
On the 22nd we had a home game versus FC Ingolstadt which fruitlessly ended in a 0:0. however we made a
simple but good choreo:
Additionally our club also projected a good picture on the display in support Showan:
During the match we where blessed by the presence of a lot of refugees, who joined us as our guests in our stand. We also made a banner
for them:
After the game, there was a march with the refugees to the Centro Sociale. We had some food there and a report about the situation in the refugees camps in and around Hamburg. Our target is clear: FIGHT FORTRESS EUROPE!